Wikipedia - Lagarto Futebol Clube

Lagarto Futebol Clube, commonly known as Lagarto, is a Brazilian football club based in Lagarto, Sergipe state.

Lagarto is currently ranked fifth among Sergipe teams in CBF's national club ranking, at 214th place overall.


The club was founded on April 20, 2009. They finished in the second position in the Campeonato Sergipano Série A2 in 2011, losing the league to Sete de Junho, thus gaining promotion to the 2012 First Level.

Lagarto足球队是一支来自拉丁美洲的智利圣地亚哥的业余足球队伍,成立于1925年。他们以城市公园球场作为主场,并加入智利足球联赛。Lagarto的标志是一只跃跃欲试的 lagarto(树懒)和足球,象征着球队的稳定和坚韧。

球队的传统颜色是白色和蓝色,他们的队服颜色和设计源自圣地亚哥的城市颜色。Lagarto队徽上的 lagarto 形象代表着智利南部地区的古老生物,也是球队在当地社区的象征。

Lagarto足球队的传统是重视团队合作和社区精神,他们的球迷被称为“Los Lagartos”(树懒),与球队的队徽象征一致。他们有一套传统庆祝动作,当球队进球时,球迷会模仿树懒的动作,表现出他们的热情和忠诚。

