Wikipedia - Minneapolis City SC

Minneapolis City SC (known informally as Mpls City SC or The Crows) is an American soccer club based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Founded in 2016, the team plays in the USL League Two, the top national league at the fourth tier of the American Soccer Pyramid. The club won three straight NPSL North Conference championships (2018, 2019 and 2021) before joining League Two. Their nickname is The Crows, coined by the club's supporters, which comes from the "Mega Murder" of crows that roost in Minneapolis.


Founded in 2016 as an offshoot of Stegman's Soccer Club, team managing director Dan Hoedeman stated that his goal with the team is to re-create the local feeling of the Minnesota Thunder's early days. As such, every player is a Minnesota resident and the team is owned by "members" who make important decisions for the team, such as the league, colors, logo and budget.

In their inaugural 2016 season in the Premier League of America, the team finished at three wins, four draws and three losses, good for third place in the league's West Division. Their first competitive game was a scoreless draw against Bavarian SC in Milwaukee. The club's first goal was scored by Matthew Gweh in their first home match, a 2–1 win over Croatian Eagles at Les Barnard Field.

That October, they would win their first qualifying match for the 2017 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup, defeating league-mates Oakland County FC by a score of 2–1 in extra time.

In 2017 Minneapolis City SC announced it was joining the National Premier Soccer League. The team is a member of the North Conference in the Midwest Region

With the win over Oakland County FC, Minneapolis City became the first amateur team from Minnesota to qualify for the U.S. Open Cup proper, but were disqualified from the tournament for switching leagues.

In 2018, Minneapolis City SC clinched the NPSL North Conference title while going undefeated in conference play, one of only five teams in the NPSL to remain unbeaten in the regular season. Additionally, the Crows were the top offensive team in the entire league with 46 goals scored.

They followed that up with the 2019 NPSL North Conference title. Interestingly, after beating Duluth FC 4–2 in the second-to-last match of the season to clinch the 2018 title, the Crows went to Duluth and beat them 4–2 in the second-to-last match of the season to clinch the 2019 title as well.

The 2020 season was cancelled because of COVID so it took until 2021 for the Crows to win their third-straight NPSL North Conference title, which they did in style by beating rival Duluth FC 6-1 in Duluth to secure the title with two games still to play. It was the third season in a row that the Crows beat Duluth to win the conference. In the playoffs, the Crows went on to the Midwest Region Final where they fell to Cleveland SC 2-0.

In September 2021, the team announced that it would join USL League Two for the 2022 season.

Minneapolis City SC是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的足球俱乐部,成立于2015年。球队位于明尼阿波利斯市,参加美国职业足球大联盟(MLS)的比赛。

Minneapolis City SC的主场是Target Field,这是明尼阿波利斯市的一座专业体育场,可容纳超过4万人。球队的球衣赞助商是著名的美国品牌Adidas。

Minneapolis City SC的队徽灵感来自于明尼苏达州的地标——双塔。队徽中的双塔代表着明尼阿波利斯市的象征,也是球队所在地区的重要标志。

球队的吉祥物是一只名叫“Maximus”的猛犸象。吉祥物的设计灵感来自于古代的猛犸象,因为它们在冰河时代末期灭绝了,就像Minneapolis City SC一样,虽然历史短暂,但仍然有着强大的实力。

Minneapolis City SC的现任主教练是Carlos Bocanegra,他是一位前美职球员,曾效力于美国职业足球大联盟的多家球队,并担任过美国国家队的队长。

球队的现任队长是Milos Dimitrijevic,他是一位前锋,曾效力于塞尔维亚的OFK Belgrade和FK Mladost Apatin等球队,并曾入选塞尔维亚国家队。