The League of Legends Circuit Oceania (LCO) is the top-level of professional League of Legends competition in Oceania, founded in 2021 and hosted by ESL Australia and Guinevere Capital. The LCO replaced the Oceanic Pro League (OPL), hosted by Riot Games Oceania from 2015 to 2020. The annual season consists of two splits, each of which conclude in a double-elimination tournament between the top five teams.

Before 2023, the winner of split 1 qualifies for the Mid-Season Invitational (MSI), while the winner of split 2 qualifies for the League of Legends World Championship. However, since 2023, the top two teams from each LCO split will seed into the Pacific Championship Series (PCS) playoffs and compete with other PCS teams for a chance to represent the larger region at international events. LCO teams will be no longer qualifying directly to MSI and Worlds.

《英雄联盟 - 澳洲洲际赛春季赛》是一场备受期待的电子竞技比赛。这场比赛将汇聚来自澳大利亚和新西兰地区最顶尖的英雄联盟战队,他们将在激烈的对抗中争夺冠军的荣耀。



《英雄联盟 - 澳洲洲际赛春季赛》不仅仅是一场电子竞技比赛,更是一个聚集了众多游戏爱好者和专业选手的盛会。观众们可以通过线上直播或现场观赛的方式,近距离感受到比赛的激情和紧张。

这场比赛将为参赛队伍提供丰厚的奖金和荣誉,同时也为他们提供了一个展示实力和吸引更多粉丝的机会。无论是作为选手还是观众,大家都能在《英雄联盟 - 澳洲洲际赛春季赛》中找到属于自己的电竞热情和乐趣。